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Shatavari – Asparagus Racemosus

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)

Shatavari, scientifically known as Asparagus racemosus, is a perennial climbing plant native to the Indian subcontinent. In Ayurveda, Shatavari is highly valued as a rejuvenating tonic, particularly for its benefits to women’s health. It is also known as the “Queen of Herbs” because of its wide-ranging therapeutic properties, especially in supporting the female reproductive system. The name “Shatavari” in Sanskrit means “the one who possesses a hundred husbands,” reflecting its ability to promote fertility and vitality.

Botanical Characteristics

  • Common Names: Shatavari, Wild Asparagus, Satavari, Shatamull, Indian Asparagus
  • Scientific Name: Asparagus racemosus
  • Family: Asparagaceae
  • Appearance: Shatavari has needle-like leaves and small white fragrant flowers, which develop into red berries. The plant has a tuberous root system, which is the part used medicinally.

Brahmi – Centella Asiatica – Penny Wort – Water Hyssop

Brahmi (Centella Asiatica / Pennywort / Water Hyssop)

Brahmi, scientifically known as Centella asiatica, is a small, perennial herb that has been used in traditional medicine systems such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries. Often referred to as Pennywort or Gotu Kola, Brahmi is revered for its wide range of therapeutic properties, particularly in enhancing cognitive function and memory. It grows in tropical and subtropical regions, thriving in moist, shady environments, especially near water sources.

Botanical Characteristics

  • Common Names: Brahmi, Gotu Kola, Indian Pennywort, Asiatic Pennywort, Mandukaparni
  • Scientific Name: Centella asiatica
  • Family: Apiaceae
  • Appearance: It has small, fan-shaped, bright green leaves, which are slightly rounded or kidney-shaped. The plant produces tiny white or pinkish flowers and is often found creeping along the ground in marshy or wetland areas.

Cinnamon Cinnamomum Verum

Cinnamon, derived from the inner bark of trees from the genus Cinnamomum, particularly Cinnamomum verum, is one of the oldest and most popular spices in the world. Also known as “true cinnamon,” Cinnamomum verum is native to Sri Lanka and southern India. This fragrant spice is highly valued for its distinct flavor and wide range of medicinal properties.

Characteristics and Varieties

Cinnamomum verum, or true cinnamon, is often considered superior in quality compared to other species like Cinnamomum cassia (commonly known as cassia), which is more common in the market. True cinnamon has a milder, sweeter flavor with delicate layers of bark that can be easily broken.

Dried Ginger – Ginger Powder – Sonth – Zingiber Officinale

Dried ginger, also known as sonth in Hindi, is the dried form of the fresh ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale). This spice, used for centuries in traditional medicine and culinary practices, is known for its pungent aroma and spicy, warm flavor. When fresh ginger is dried, it undergoes dehydration, intensifying its flavor and making it more suitable for long-term storage.

Nutritional and Medicinal Properties

Dried ginger contains several bioactive compounds, including gingerol, shogaol, and zingerone, which contribute to its medicinal properties. The drying process increases the concentration of shogaol, a compound with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The spice is rich in:

  • Vitamins: B6, C
  • Minerals: Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese
  • Dietary Fiber

Moringa – Moringa Oleifera

Moringa also known as “the drumstick tree,” or scientifically as Moringa oleifera, which is commonly touted as a superfood since it is rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds. Morniga is considered a panacea and is referred to as the ‘The Wonder Tree’, ‘The Divine Tree’ and ‘The Miracle Tree’ amongst many others. We never add artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners, preservatives or fillers, and additives, making it a true natural remedy for those who want to use moringa supplements for a variety of health benefits and increasing overall health.

Turmeric – Haldi – Curcuma Longa – Curcumin

Turmeric is a product of Curcuma longa, a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the ginger family Zingiberaceae, which is native to tropical India, South Asia. It contains a chemical called curcumin, which reduces swelling.

Turmeric is used for the treatment, prevention, and management of various illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, Arthritis, diarrhoea, inflammation, psoriasis, hepatobiliary diseases, gastric and peptic ulcers. Turmeric has a warm, bitter taste and is used to flavor or color curry powders, mustards, butters, and cheeses.

Raw Shilajit – Black Asphaltum – Mumio

Shilajit शिलाजीत conqueror of mountain conqueror of the rocks salajeet, mumio, mumijo, mumlayi, mumie is an organic mineral. A blackish-brown exudate from high mountain rocks is found in the Himalayas.

Shilajit contains humus, organic plant materials and fulvic acid. It consists of more than 84 minerals including copper, silver, zinc, iron, and lead. Shilajit is a health rejuvenator that improves sexual stamina and also improves energy levels. This helps manage chronic fatigue, tiredness, lethargy and fatigue due to diabetes. Shilajit is known to improve the testosterone level and enhance male fertility. It is also beneficial in anemia and memory loss.

Ashwagandha Withania Somnifera Withania Root

Ashwagandha, having botanical name Withania somnifera, also known as Winter Cherry is used in treating a wide variety of illnesses including asthma, diabetes, hypertension, stress, arthritic diseases, and cancer.

Ashwagandha, commonly known as Winter Cherry, is a highly regarded tonic for the brain and nervous system in Ayurveda, where it is recommended as part of preventive healthcare. Classified as a “Medhya” herb, it is known for its cognitive-enhancing properties, offering significant benefits to mental function. Extensive clinical and experimental studies have demonstrated that Ashwagandha acts as both an antistress and adaptogenic herb, effectively improving stress tolerance and boosting mental capacity. Moreover, it is recognized for enhancing the quality of immune responses.